Stunning photo essay from the Irkutsk Aviation Plant - how and where made Su-30, Yak-130 and MS-21.
SU-30 - two-seat fighter 4 + generation. This plane is made at the Irkutsk aviation plant (IAP).During its existence, the company produced more than 7,000 aircraft of 20 types. Geography of deliveries IAZa covers 37 countries. In addition to the Su-30MK (upgraded, commercial) and Su-30cm (modernized, serial), the plant produces combat training aircraft Yak-130, the components of aeronautical engineering for concern Airbus, and begins production of passenger aircraft MS-21.
SU-30cm - Double 4 + generation fighter, created on the basis of the Su-27.
This is the first production aircraft in the world, which has super-maneuverability.
Fighter is designed to control group fighting fighters in solving problems of gaining dominance in the air, ensuring combat actions of other types of aircraft, cover for ground troops and facilities, destruction of landings in the air, as well as for aerial reconnaissance and destruction of land and sea targets.
Su-30cm adapted to the requirements of the Russian Air Force in terms of systems, radar, radio, and public recognition. Here are some of its specifications: ceiling - 16 300 m, maximum range - 3000 km, the maximum speed - 2125 km / h.
Irkutsk Aviation Plant - one of the most important centers in the Russian aircraft industry, is part of the Corporation "Irkut".
In 2014, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant celebrates its 80th anniversary.
Production of one aircraft - a technically complex process, which is divided into many small steps. Each department of the Irkutsk aviation plant fulfills its part of the process chain.
On this machine VPO JOMAX in the 18th workshop made ​​stacker snap. Thanks to modern equipment one worker per shift performs workload, which six years ago, a team of four peopleserved per month.
On the harvesting and production of stamping (ZSHP) IAZa made up 70% of the parts of the aircraft of the future.
ZSHP located in three shops: stamping, roll forming and shop slab.
The structure of steel production includes 8 workshops. Currently foundry aircraft factory produces about 800 kinds of products, Forging - about 2500, non-metals plant - about 20 thousand.
In the shops of metallurgical production of manufactured parts ranging in size from a third of a matchbox to frame the lantern of the Su-30.
Electroplating site being prepared under the surface of the part lyumkontrol and anodizing.After the shop coatings, and the heat treatment takes up to 95% of the parts produced by the factory.
In the course of the luminescent control on aircraft parts smeared with a special solution, and then the powder, tapping those defects that can be seen only under ultraviolet light.
This is one of several types of control components, which are held on IAZe.
In the 34th Division carried out a set of measurements of geometrical parameters of parts using coordinate measuring machines ultra-high precision. Only in 2013 the department was measured more than 17 thousand items.
In the shops of the mechanical assembly production of various types of preforms produced from metallurgical and storage-stamping production, made almost all machining parts of the aircraft structure and its inner parts.
Here they are processed on machine tools - are stripped allowances, porting is done, selected slots, etc.
Milling takes at least 80% of the total CPU time processing model aircraft parts.
In the shops of SMEs made, assembled and tested units and components gidropnevmotoplivnyh aircraft systems, control systems. Also here makes the whole units - bar refueling, aircraft control station, etc.
Field assembly units were among the first at the plant began to use modern high-efficiency equipment, implement lean-technology. Of the 100 high-performance machines that are currently working in the factory, 65 are SMEs.
Then the items collected in the nodes and go back - the shop coatings, and from there to the assembly.
Aggregate-assembly production. Assembly line of Su-30MKI and Su-30cm.
In the divisions aggregate-assembly production of individual parts center-collected, the head and tail of the fuselage, wings, fins, and other elements of plumage.
Then they dock and almost ready aircraft is transferred to the final assembly.
In addition, traditionally to aggregate-assembly production refers shop manufacturing pipes that make up the hydraulic system of the aircraft, fuel and maslopodachi system, air conditioning and air supply.
Aircraft tail assembly shop
Assembling combat training aircraft Yak-130
Workshop 42 TSA
"First Flight" Yak-130
Assembling canopy pilots in the shop â„–4
In connection with the implementation of the MS-21 project the first three flights of the main building has taken a new assembly line. Even in the "small" modification MS 21-200 wingspan new liner will be 35.9 meters.
Leading Russian aircraft designers, in particular, experts are developing utility IAZa MC-21 aircraft for domestic and international airlines. Construction of the first flight model was completed in January 2014. By 2018, the plant plans to produce 65 aircraft per year.
Workshop 7 final assembly
For the installation and testing of basic aircraft systems: hydraulics, fuel systems, engines, wings, landing gear, avionics and weapons in the shop meet 320 people.
Most of the work is done manually. Often have to work hunched inside the fuselage.
The total length of the wires in the Yak-130 is up to 30 km, and the Su-30 - more than 70 km.
Today at the aircraft factory employs 12,500 workers, with an average age of 40 years.
Yak-130 - the world's only training aircraft with aircraft performance characteristics similar to modern jet fighter. Enables rapid development of piloting skills in the Su-30, MiG-29, F-16 and others.
Shop for international cooperation (Airbus)
Within the framework of international industrial cooperation JSC "Corporation" Irkut "in 2004, signed with a European company Airbus SAS and EADS contracts for the supply of components for the A320 Family.
Today Irkutsk aviation plant - branch of JSC "Corporation" Irkut "leads serial production and delivery of these high-tech components: niche nose landing gear, keel beam, flap track.
On average, every third plane the A320 is equipped with components made by the IAP.
Workshop 16 Flight Test Unit
This is a crucial stage of the production of the aircraft, it is here that the car gets ready passport and Form "fit for use".
Before leaving the aircraft factory, each machine passes the acceptance tests.
Stages of testing determined the specifications for the production and testing of aircraft, which, in turn, fixed guests.
Radar Su-30 sees the enemy, depending on conditions at a distance of about 200 km. And it can capture up to 10 targets simultaneously.
Maneuverability of the Su-30cm provide engines with thrust vector control. For the first time, this innovative technology applied to production aircraft of Russian Air Force.
Run engine at various speeds
Maximum thrust in afterburner is 2 × 12500 kgs
Received a "passport", the product becomes a plane that can take the consignee. When the signed form, the plane takes a representative of the operating organization and the group tehsostava. Then call the pilots, they spend flyby. If pilots give good buyer takes the plane.
According to Russian machinery flies "under its own power." For example, the Yak-130, ordered by the Ministry of Defense in 2013 flew from the airport to the base of the IAP of Sts.To send foreign consignees plane disassembled, packed and shipped by transport aircraft.
The cost of one Su-30 SM is $ 50 million.
For 2013 the plant revenue was 58 billion. Rub .. The volume of exports only one Su-30MKI fighters exceeds 10 billion. Rubles.