On the other hand focusing our attention in just satisfying our worldly desires breeds negative vibrations. Negative energies from the subtle realm gravitate towards people who emit negative vibrations. They especially seek out individuals who have many personality defects such as anger, greed, addictions and who have large egos as they are easier to possess and take control of.
During the course of our day we meet all sorts of people each emitting various type spiritual vibrations both good and bad. As we shake their hands and communicate with them we are affected with their subtle energies as they are affected with ours.
Most people do not do regular practice and therefore do not have the spiritual capability to fend off these negative vibrations.
In current times, the negativity in the environment is more than the positivity. Coupled with our personality defects, a blackish subtle covering which weighs us down emotionally and physically.
As a result by the time we get back from a long day at work, we are drained as we struggle to recoup for the onslaught of another the day ahead. By the time we hit Friday, most of us are spent and cannot wait for the weekend.
Some signs of having a black energy covering include Lethargy Reduction in promptness. Inability to think Excessive thoughts especially when they are negative in nature Anger or any other extreme emotion Stress Any form of physical illness.
Spiritual practice and spiritual healing remedies help to reduce this black energy covering. Salt water treatment is one such potent natural remedy to remove black energy from the body so that our spiritual practice does not go into nullifying the black energy. Just as water has the property to cleanse and fire to burn, salt water has the ability to suck out black energy.
In order to perform this remedy you will require a bucket of waterYou can adjust the temperature of the water as per your comfort. Fill the water to a level that would cover a little more than your ankles. You will also require two tablespoons of rock salt. It can be added while filling the bucket.
Begin by immersing your feet in the water. Saying an earnest prayer to God to suck out the black energy increases the efficacy of this remedy.
“Lord please let this remedy be successful and remove the black energy covering from me and let no negative energy come in the way of the cleansing process.”
Place your feet in the bucket such a way, that the feet are apart from each other. This aids in the maximum discharge of black energy.
Keep chanting the Name of God according to your religion. The more the concentration and devotion on the Name of God, the more it helps in the dislodgment and disintegration of the black energy particles in the body. The salt water is then better able to suck the black energy out.
You will need to keep your feet immersed for around 10-15 minutes. During these 15 minutes you may find yourself yawning and burping and experiencing sliminess on your feet.
At times the water may take on a blackish hue and emit a foul smell; these are all signs of the black energy being drained out of your body and that spiritual healing is taking place.
After that say a prayer of gratitude for the healing and remove your feet from the water and wipe them on the towel. Drain the water into the toilet, rinse the bucket with fresh water and wash the towels separately.
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