Predictions for 2017, 2018 and 2019
One of the most important celestial events of the spring of 2017 will be the opposition of the retro Jupiter in Libra to the conjunction of Mars and Uranus in the devastating 23rd degree of Aries; in another destructive degree (the 19th degree of Capricorn) Pluto will dwell; in another destructive degree (4th degree of Pisces) at this time (late February - early March) there will be a descending lunar knot.
The simultaneous presence of four astrological indicators in the devastating degrees of the zodiacal circle indicates that the main results of activity in this period will be connected, on the one hand, with the total destruction of all obsolete and obsolete, on the other hand, with very limited in their effectiveness attempts of society to resist aggressive anarchy .
It will be a time of painful confrontation between reserved conservative forces and bright but frenzied loners ready at any moment to blow up fragile public peace with their short-term "bombing" and "cavalry assaults". The number of technogenic accidents and failures in the work of electronics will sharply increase. Therefore, the dates from February 25 to March 2, 2017 are not suitable for travel and air travel.
By the summer of 2017, the situation is harmonized, business conditions will improve, and new opportunities will be created to strengthen public and personal well-being. However, this does not exclude the presence of small shakes, coupled with not very pleasant economic surprises. These "black" dates include, in particular, August 24-25, 2017.
Beginning from October 23, 2017 to March 5, 2017, a significant portion (from 76 to 88%) of planetary-focused stellar energies will be concentrated in the upper hemisphere. This means that a neglectful attitude towards the preservation of historical, cultural and other monuments will prevail in society. This situation is comparable to what was already observed on the eve of Gorbachev's perestroika.
With the transition of Saturn in the sign of Capricorn on December 20, 2017, attempts will be made to create rational structures in the most diverse spheres of life. Something similar happened in 1989-1990, when despite the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, the entire socialist camp collapsed on the basis of the dominoes. For the sake of maintaining the external order in Tbilisi, soldiers with sapper blades dispersed the demonstration; the same thing, only with the help of tanks, was made in Beijing in Tiananmen Square.
However, at the same time the World Wide Web was invented - the Internet, and in 2018 a new era of its existence will begin. New goals will be set and breakthrough technologies introduced, however, "the new one" will be "well forgotten old".
With the entry of Uranus into the sign of Taurus on May 15, 2018, and especially after March 6, 2019, there will be a series of drastic changes concerning banking, the use of money, the financial situation of citizens. The first "bell" of this kind will peer in mid-September 2018 - the reforms carried out at this time will definitely be oriented towards the implementation of universal values ​​and overcoming the demonic delusions of previous decades.
From September 24, 2018 to December 31, 2018, a significant portion (from 76 to 88%) of star-centered energies focused by planets will again be concentrated in the upper hemisphere. So the world will feel that it is on the verge of big changes.
From February 4, 2019 to May 15 of the same year, a significant part of cosmic energies will be focused in the eastern part of the zodiacal circle. This means that it is necessary to dominate all personal interests, while public institutions will get only an auxiliary function. Individual opportunities for bright (or simply self-willed) people and their needs will be placed at the forefront, and communal problems and issues of public life will gradually go to the background.
Predictions for 2020 and 2021
In 2020, on the day of the winter solstice of December 21, there will be an event of heavenly life, about which the leading astrologers of Russia (such as PP Globa, MB Levin, etc.) began to speak at the end of XX century. This is a combination of the vibrations of Jupiter and Saturn in the 1st degree of Aquarius, which opens the most favorable opportunities for our "Aquarius" country.
The indicator of light forces White Moon, which at this moment will be on the "clarified" ("diamond") path of Ophiuchus, will help us take advantage of those fantastic chances for a stable, long-term success that will be formed by the end of 2020.
Excellent preparation for this moment will help turning to the history of their own country - this is indicated by the finding of an ascending lunar knot in the sign of Cancer - a sign of a deep past, rich historical traditions and pure cultural, historical, religious origins. For Russia, this will be the year of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of the birth of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky.
The year 2021 will start with conflicts, but they will not go into a protracted phase, but they will have a sharp, provocative nature. Large-scale reforms will begin, we will have to solve the environmental problems that have been launched and immediately repulse the claims of strangers to the wealth of the earthly bowels of our country. The role of bright personalities at this stage of national history will be exceptionally high.
In the spring of 2021, materialism will temporarily push ideological priorities and ethical values ​​into the shadows, and in the summer of 2021 a new misfortune will appear: petty fraud, pocket thefts and horrendous lies in the media.
Financial troubles on December 27, 2021 may somewhat overshadow the arrival of the New, 2022-year, but in general, the dynamics of development promises to be quite successful - of course, if you do not forget that the main "rails into the future" still paved in the period 1994-2016. and, probably, in the 2020s, many will have to realize that they did not foresee something in the "comet" years.
Predictions for 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025
From 25 January 2022 to 20 June 2022 most of the energies will be focused in the right hemisphere of the Zodiac. This means the flowering of individualism in all its manifestations: the search for the greatest autonomy begins, the calculation will be done solely on one's own strengths and on the ability to survive in any conditions. Many will again begin to live "subsistence economy" or will rely on non-waste bio-ecological agricultural complexes.
The transition of Saturn in the sign of Pisces on March 8, 2023, will mean the coming to power of the "gray cardinals" and an increase in the risk of material losses for ordinary citizens. Avoiding big troubles will help rational thrift and conscious refusal of illusions and mystifications.
With the transfer of Pluto as a sign of Aquarius on March 23, 2023, the first culmination of the era of Aquarius, in a sense corresponding to the period of the reign of the Russian Empress Catherine II, at which Russia unconditionally became one of the great powers of the world, will come.
For people with high spiritual aspirations and great capacity for work, this will be a time of triumphant victory over evil, the opportunity to communicate with other worlds and the inclusion of irrational abilities of the superconscious.
In contrast, those who are accustomed to living "for themselves" will begin violent unrest, coupled with the brutish unceremoniousness of others. Traditional habitats will be destroyed, the number of rogue and homeless will increase in an avalanche.
The junction of Jupiter, Uranus and the White Moon in the second half of April 2024 points to a strong political will to solve financial problems and accumulated problems in the field of food security and logistics. The decisions made at this moment will prove their effectiveness in a month or so - at the end of May 2024.
When, on March 30, 2025, Neptune becomes Aries, many people will become hotter and more new Don Quixote will appear - fearless knights of their ideas and fanatical defenders of their own delusions.
In June 2025, this will lead to a tough conflict between the "knights" and "patriarchs," and both of them will immediately have to pay for their mistakes and missed "blows" - the stay of Saturn in the sign of Aries is always fraught with outbreaks of cruelty and the desire to suppress will of rivals.
However, before the large-scale conflicts it will not come.
Predictions for 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
After the entry of Uranus into the sign of Gemini in April 2026, the time will come, comparable to the mid-1940s. Less stable will be the connections between people, more often the former will happen adventures on the road, there will be fundamentally new media, and very extravagant scientific and artistic concepts will be created. However, even on this vzbalamuchennom background idea of ​​interactive events, all kinds of flash mobs and projects, transformers will remain in demand until 2044.
At the end of July 2026, there will be a very tangible political crisis, but by early September of the same year the situation has completely normalized and will remain relatively stable until the end of 2028.
Clouds will begin to thicken in February 2029, when the habit of many citizens to a relatively quiet life and the sluggishness of their rulers will create the ground for attempts of another redistribution of spheres of influence. A new twist will emerge from the mistakes that were characteristic of the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev period and for the Ukrainian society in the 1990s and the "zero" years.
Particularly difficult situation will be by the end of March - early April 2029-th year. Conflicts, right up to the military, will cease to be a rarity. In the new phase will enter information war.
By the summer of 2030 the heat of passions will decrease, and life will return to normal.
Predictions for 2031, 2032, 2033, 2034 and 2035
In the autumn of 2031 the conditions for the next ideological crisis and religious conflict will be formed; As a result, some rulers may decide to block serious sources of information.
Beginning in August 2032, when two distant planets, Uranus and Saturn, immediately move from the Gemini sign to Cancer, one should expect a surge of interest in the past, an increase in demand for experts in archeology, history, archival affairs.
The revived interest in one's own past will create a fertile ground for nationalistic and chauvinistic sentiments in a wide variety of social circles, especially among those who have experienced great troubles in the relatively recent past. In particular, this could be a new round of debates on Ukraine, on the problems of the Israeli-Palestinian territories, etc. A sad consequence of such sentiments can be a marked increase in migration processes.
On the other hand, it is the interest in the past and the comprehension of the ancient sciences that will open to the people of this time tremendous opportunities for spiritual insights and fatal scientific discoveries.
The passage of Jupiter through the sign of Aquarius in 2033 will show the first fruits of those fertile innovations that were held in Russia in 2020-2021.
An important date promises to be on February 03, 2033 - this day in the 15th degree of Aquarius, which is a symbol of leadership from the Higher Powers, three heavenly bodies will unite their energies at once: Jupiter, signifying the nomenclatural power, Pluto symbolizing informal power, and a symbol of individual creative leadership - the Sun. Accordingly, the necessary conditions will be created both for the formation of a stable model of the country's leadership and for the successful practical implementation of this model.
The spring of 2035 is marked by great ideological confusion, fiery fanaticism and a sharp breakthrough towards religious ecumenism. By good intentions, as always, the road to hell will be paved, and from the confluence of "half a glass of dirty water" with "half a glass of clean water" only a full glass of dirty water will be received. Nevertheless, humanity will plunge into euphoria from the achieved successes.
With the entry of Saturn in the sign of the Lion in May 2035, conditions for the maintenance and upbringing of children can objectively worsen - the main attention in society will be paid to industry (especially food) and agriculture.
However, already in October 2035 the supporters of the purer pedagogical traditions will manage to take revenge and will return many things "to their own places."
Predictions for 2036, 2037, 2038, 2039 and 2040
In the spring of 2036, ideological confusion will gradually decline, but "clarification of relations" will be accompanied by tough confrontations, pickets and other social and political actions.
The situation will change once again, when the planet-brake Saturn will move in the sign of the Virgin - this will happen in the summer of 2037.
The first week of September 2037 will be marked by a financial crisis or a noticeable nuisance related to real estate and food and drinking water supplies. With the help of radical, very unpopular measures, this problem will be resolved by mid-October 2037.
Nevertheless, the latent tension will be felt until the year 2038.
From May 2, 2038 to September 2 of the same year, a significant part (from 76 to 88%) of the energies will be focused in the lower hemisphere of the Zodiac. This means a sharp increase in protection tendencies aimed at saving and strengthening everything that is somehow connected with the past: monuments of history and architecture, classical music, literature, etc.
It can be said with great certainty that at this time few people will be interested in "digital copies" of museum exhibits, while objects containing the spirit of their ancestors and their sacred power will be among the goods of increased demand. The ultimate dream is the sword of ancestors or some other ancient weapon.
When, in March 2039, Neptune passed into the sign of Taurus, the idea of ​​accumulation would reign in the world. A stable picture of the world, obeying the laws of Newtonian mechanics, would by then long ago sink to the past, so preserving something in stability will not be an easy task, and it will have to be dealt with separately.
With the transition of Uranus to Leo in May 2040, the style of clothing will dramatically change, the search for new forms in art will be intensified, and the interest in the life of socially significant structures will increase.
Predictions for 2041, 2042, 2043, 2044, 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049 and 2050
From August 21, 2041 to December 11 of the same year, a significant part (73 to 85%) of energies will be collected in the western part of the zodiacal circle, therefore, the questions of optimizing public life will attract the increased attention of many people. Disappear the cult of talented singles, once again will be highly prized predisposition to collegial activities and the ability to work as a team.
With the transition of Saturn as a sign of Scorpio in mid-November 2041, there will come hard times remotely resembling life in 2013-2014 or 1983-1985. It will be a time of forced retribution for the mistakes that have been committed over the past 30 years.
From March 2 to 7, 2042, two planets, Mars and Uranus, in a retrograde motion, will unite their vibrations in the devastating 10th degree of Leo; Neptune will be in opposition to the retro Saturn, and Mercury will join the connection with Pluto. This combination of astrological indicators indicates a high risk of major accidents in the energy, aviation and space sectors, as well as the likelihood of hacking computer networks and explosions in submarines.
From 16 September to 28 September 2042, the likelihood of major accidents and natural disasters will also increase, this time the main "actor" will again be the comet Shoemaker-Levy, more precisely - those problems of socio-political life that are so and remained unresolved from the time of its fall to Jupiter (1994).
The year 2043 is "anniversary" in relation to the year 1994, just as the year 1994 was "jubilee" for the time of the first test of the atomic bomb in 1945. Therefore, July 2043 is particularly interesting from an astrological point of view.
At that time, the Black Luna's indicator of dark karma will once again be on the Ophiuchus's Burnt Road, and the distant planets (Neptune, Uranus and Saturn) will form a hard tau-square, fraught with natural cataclysms, man-made accidents and major malfunctions in the work of power systems and electronic means of communication. This means an attempt by the dark forces to impose another "match rematch" on Russia.
It's too early to judge how much they will be able to judge, much will depend on what will be done by that time, how the previous decades will be lived and what lessons will be learned in the past half-century. In any case, the summer and autumn of 2043 will prove to be very unstable, periods of unexpected shake-ups will alternate with treacherous "calm before the storm."
With the transfer of Pluto in the sign of Pisces in 2043/44, a truly new era will begin: the triumph of magic and mysticism, the unprecedented rise of esoteric teachings and the revival of tantric practices that have come to Europe from the black continent. At the same time, it will be a triumph of virtual reality and religious fanaticism, coupled with great social instability and psychological vulnerability of many layers of the population.
In the spring of 2045, the merger of official (nomenklatura) power with the leaders of criminal groups will begin; the flourishing of this "fraternization" will take place in October-December of the same year. This time will be fraught with major terrorist acts, including the use of weapons of mass destruction. Nature will not let it relax either - its whims threaten to turn into major troubles for tens of thousands of people.
Especially "unreliable" in this sense is the decade from November 21 to December 1, 2045.
A peculiar "relapse" of similar situations can happen at the end of August and in September 2046. The situation that has developed by this time in the sky, will mean the time of financial shocks, man-made accidents, military actions, natural disasters, terrorist acts and mass disasters.
Will not bring rest and the beginning of 2047th year - especially alarming situation can become in the last five days of January. The tension that has appeared in these days will remain until the end of April, then there will be a short respite, and another "autumn aggravation" should be expected in the second half of August and early September. Troubles on financial and, as a result, social and political field will be marked with numbers from 8th to 17th November of the same year.
The next financial and socio-political crisis will occur in the spring and summer of 2048, when a new series of military outings, terrorist attacks, accidents and man-made disasters, as well as natural disasters and major disruptions in electronics, can take place.
The great life test for people to hand over in late November 2049, when it's time to move from the "Burned" way Ophiuchus to his own "Diamond", or "Clarified" way. This is indicated by the conjunction of the Ascending Lunar Node (the indicator of the main direction of karmic development), Proserpina (the mistress of the underworld, the indicator of transforming faith), Chiron ("the key from the sky where the information lies) and the Sun (the symbol of creative independence) on the border of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius .
By the middle of the 21st century, life - from the current point of view - will change beyond recognition: having gained fantastic freedom in small things and having learned to build a life "at will, according to a pike command," people will fall into an unprecedented dependence on humanity as a whole, because the impersonal humanity is completely unaware , that creates.
There are absolutely no signs that it will be able to cope with growing environmental problems, but there are many indications that the hope for a clever, intelligent noosphere, an appeal to all sorts of "cosmic hierarchs", the intervention of witchcraft forces and the general hobby for psychological training, divorced from any kind of moral foundations and ethical values ​​- all this together will bring much more harm than good.
Disputes over all sorts of chips and "devil's numbers" will disappear into the past, and the very essence of the confrontation - the struggle for freedom of conscience and the struggle for the soul of man - will come to the fore.
Astrology is divided into two almost non-contiguous spheres. On the one hand, it will be opportunistic, obsequious and corrupt astrology, ready to feed the man's basest instincts, which does not disdain any lie.
On the other hand, the revived, rapidly developing Zoroastrian astrology will come into force, quickly overcoming the resistance of science and religion and has demonstrated its fidelity to the Heavenly Laws and Divine Commandments.
The political map of the world and geographical boundaries will give priority to the unification (or, more accurately, the separation) of people on spiritual grounds, and the numerical superiority of this or that side will not be decisive, for life itself will once again prove the truth of Prince Alexander Nevsky's words: "God is not in power, but in truth. "
Children, as always, will playfully master such techniques, which usually remain inaccessible to the generation of their grandparents, and adults will never stop playing with their older toys. As they say, "in the village of Gadyukino everything will also rain." But this does not prevent the new heroes from performing their great feats in the stellar battle of Good and Evil, which by that time will be in full swing.